What product are you buying when you get a tree from Knuzen Tannenbaum.
You buy space for our nature + a tree which is naturbaum certified.
At Knuzen Tannenbaum we have extended the Global gap with an Naturbaum certification . We want to work with nature and is giving nature as much space and options as possible. At Knuzen Tannenbaum nature is around every single tree. Follow us at insta at #knuzen
The stripes of flowers which are one of the requirements from our Naturbaum certifications is not restricted to the 10% of the area, but for the entire area and therefore around every Christmas tree. This gives the wild nature possibilities and joy for us who work at Knuzen Tannenbaum. But is it sustainable to grow a Christmas tree for 8 – 10 years and then bring it to your living room for 1 or 2 weeks. No! despite a Christmas tree will in average during it’s 10 years absorbs up to 18 kg CO2, which is released when it decompose or is burned, all production has a CO2 footprint and this includes Christmas tree farming. We leave a footprint when we plant the trees, bring out the fertilizer for our trees, when we pack the trees. All actions has a footprint even our first cup of coffee in the morning.
We have at Knuzen Tannenbaum reduced our CO2 footprint by using less and less chemicals for aphid control to our top shoot reduction in may/june.
All our fields for production placed around one production center, so we don’t have to waist our time and energy travelling between remote parcels.

To give nature space we must stop using herbicides. This allows herbs and weed to grow between our trees, which the insects, frogs, wizards, mouse’s and bird can benefit from.
When we bring out our organic fertilizers (chicken shit) we mix it with seed from dandelions, clover and flowers from the daisy family which we collect.
In our 2019 batch we have planted clover to absorb nitrogen. The clover also outrank some weeds which we don’t like such as purple fireweed. (The fireweed can be an intermediate host of fungus, which infect the trees during spring.) Those places where the weed incl. grass damage the trees we have at Knuzen Tannenbaum controlled it with a plate harrow.
When we allow herbs and weeds to grow in between our trees we give nature a fair chance for finding food and shelter and when you buy a Christmas tree from Knuzen Tannenbaum you secure a place for nature.